December 2024–January 2025 NEWSLETTER

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Volume 81, Issue   3

President’s Message


Dear Arlington AAUW members,

The holiday season is upon us! At least I think it is because the weather has been a bit unseasonably warm after a cool October. I hope everyone has Saturday, December 7 on your calendars. We are gathering at the Cote d’Or for our festive holiday luncheon celebration. For more information, check out the Program section below.

This picture, taken at our branch’s 80th birthday celebration, shows that we are well on our way to collecting those 100 books to donate.

This year National AAUW is celebrating its 100th Birthday, and AAUW Virginia has asked branches to make donations of 100 something to a community group. Our board has decided to donate 100 books to the Arlington Women’s Detention Center. I bet that you have books around your home looking for a new home, so we hope that members can bring new or gently used books to our holiday luncheon to meet our goal.

We send many thanks to our panelists who shared their memories of earlier days in our branch as we celebrated our 80th birthday at our November 16th meeting. Gloria Blackwell, CEO of the National AAUW, sent our branch a Certificate of Honor, recognizing our 80th anniversary and expressing “sincere appreciation” for our branch’s “exceptional service and demonstrated commitment to advancing equity for women and girls.”

We want to remain a vibrant branch that continues to support women and girls in our community, so bringing in new members is an important goal for us this year. Please invite your friends to join you in any of our branch activities. Everyone is welcome to come to our branch meetings, book club, lunch bunch, and field trips.

It’s also time for us to fund our scholarship program for high school girls going on to a two- or four- year college. I’ll be sending you a letter asking for donations like I did last year. The girls we gave scholarships to last year are going to MIT, NOVA and VCU. I’m looking forward to meeting this year’s scholarship winners in the spring and I hope you are, too.

Remembering Lilly Ledbetter
Activist Lilly Ledbetter passed away on October 12, 2024 at age 86. Lilly championed equal pay for women. When she was close to retirement, she discovered that men in comparable administrative positions were paid several thousand dollars more monthly than she was at Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company. Although she initially won her sex discrimination case against Goodyear, she later lost her Supreme Court case in a 5-4 decision. Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the dissenting opinion. Lilly continued the fight for equal pay and was with President Obama in the Oval Office when he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009. AAUW continues the fight for equal pay and we can all thank and remember Lilly Ledbetter for persevering in this cause of importance to all women and girls.

Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful holiday season!
Happy 2025!

Terry Bratt
Arlington AAUW Branch President

Arlington AAUW Branch meetings  in  2024

Sat., Nov. 16, at 10:30 am, Lubber Run Community Center – Our program was a  celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Arlington Branch of AAUW, with coffee and a very special cake. We heard a brief history of the Arlington Branch since its founding in 1944. Barbara Smith did some research at the Charlie Clark Center for Local History at the Arlington Public Library. The Center has copies of the minutes of every meeting held by the Arlington Branch of AAUW from its founding in 1944 until the early 2000s. Barbara summarized some “pretty interesting stuff” she found in the minutes.

We heard from several of our longer-serving members, Vivien Kallen and Marjorie Hobart, about their experiences with the Arlington Branch. They provided color commentary to the summary of the minutes. We also were updated on current activities of AAUW-Arlington: the Lunch Bunch (Meg Tuccillo), the International Coffee Group (Priscilla Becker), the Book Club (Barbara Gallagher), the Science Fair judging (Susan Senn), and Public Policy (Sara Anderson).

Finally, everyone present had an opportunity to share stories and recollections about our experiences with AAUW-Arlington. The day was a relaxed and enjoyable celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Arlington Branch of AAUW in which we reflected on what this branch has done in the past, what it is doing in the present, and what it could do in the future.

let's do holiday lunchSat., Dec. 7, noon – Our holiday luncheon will be held again at Côte d’Or. There will be a choice of appetizer, main course, and dessert. The room for the luncheon seats only 30; contact Barbara Smith and reserve early.


Here is some early information about programs for the months of January, February, and March 2025:


  • Sat., Jan. 25, at 10:30 am, Lubber Run Community Center – Charles Meng, CEO of the Arlington Food Assistance Center, will speak about the programs and activities of AFAC.
  • Sat., Feb. 22, at 10:30 am, Lubber Run Community Center – CDR Sandra Lawrence, USN Ret., will speak about “Women in the Military: A Long and Honored Tradition”.
  • Sat., Mar. 22, 10:30 am, Lubber Run Community Center – Program about the Arlington women who protested “Massive Resistance”, the political campaign in Virginia in the 1950s to prevent the integration of schools.

Barbara Smith, Program Chair

Let’s Talk About Books

The December meeting is on Tuesday, December 10, 2 pm at the home of Terry Bratt. Our book selection is The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. We look forward to seeing you then.

In January we will meet at 2 pm on January 28 a the home of Barbara Gallagher. Our book selection is Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. Even if you have not finished reading the book, come join the fun!

Barbara Gallagher, Let’s Talk About Books Chair

Public Policy

    • Post-Election Conversation

    • Rep. Gerry Connolly is having a post-election conversation sponsored by AAUW branches of Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, McLean, Mt. Vernon, Reston-Herndon and Vienna on Monday, December 2 at 5 pm.  Here is the advanced registration zoom link!

AAUW of Virginia Lobby Days in Richmond

  •  January 15, 2025 – Evening Reception and Talk

    Public Policy

Hampton Inn and Suites, Richmond – Room reservation link at Hampton Inn & Suites $157

  • January 16, 2025 – Lobby Day

Make our Voices Heard in Richmond and Connect with our Lawmakers

Diane Schrier wants you to let her know if you can attend.

Rewards and Renewal in Membership

Each member of AAUW-Arlington Branch came to the organization on a different path of life’s journey. In membership, we find the rewards of connection, belonging, and growth. ‘Tis the season of giving thanks; we must take time to celebrate how our pathways converged to bring us together. This month we did just that with the recognition of 80 years of service on November 16.

AAUW-Arlington Branch is a place for everyone. You belong to the nation’s largest source of scholarships for women who wish to advance their studies. Through grants and fellowships we grow the skills and knowledge of girls and women. This allows participants in AAUW-Arlington Branch to work for greater equity and opportunity for all. We have come together to accomplish a lot.

We find renewal in one another. With many hands we promote and enhance scholarship, learning, equity, and the betterment of our whole community. This is AAUW-Arlington Branch — 80 years strong!

Candace Lilyquist, VP Membership

Lunch Bunch

The Arlington Community High School leadership team is thrilled to have our continued collaboration on behalf of young women looking toward their future. Efforts over the past few years have focused on student career interests as well as goal setting, career awareness, mental health, and self care. Past themes have been centered around the APS socio-emotional Standards of Learning goals, as well as the Virginia 4 C’s, Profile of a VA Graduate.

This year we have started with about a dozen young women from countries around the world. At our first get-to-know- each-other meeting, we all shared stories about the origin of our names. One girl’s name means hope in her language. Another is named for her grandmother and others had similar interesting stories. In November, we had Karen Vallejos, executive director of The Dream Project, share her life journey as a Dreamer.

We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 12:30 (with pizza) and invite you to volunteer with us. We meet at the ACHS -It is located at 4420 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203.

Mary Beth Pelosky, Meg Tuccillo and Terry Bratt

Bylaws Changes?

Bylaws ChangesIt’s that time of year again! If you have recommendations for changes in the bylaws of the Arlington branch, please send them to me NLT Wednesday, January 1st. Current bylaws are on our website.    (They are also posted on the AAUW Virginia and AAUW national websites.)

This will allow me to review and compile your suggestions for discussion at the January 8th Board of Directors meeting.

Based on that discussion, any changes to the bylaws to be considered during the March 2025 Annual Meeting of the Arlington branch will be transmitted to branch members not later than 20 days in advance of that meeting.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Carol Dabbs, Bylaws Chair

Science Fair – Help Wanted!

I am in search of a volunteer who would work with me to determine the winners of our one $1,000 scholarship to the top Arlington high school girl’s project, as well as one $100 award to the top Arlington middle school girl’s project. We also award at least four 2nd place $25 awards as well.

It would entail reading approximately 80 – 90 short abstracts (available the last two weeks in February), in order to identify the best projects as described. I will do the same then we will compare our respective lists in order to whittle the number of projects (~25-30) we together actually will evaluate on the day of the fair, Saturday, March 1, 2024 at Wakefield High School, 9 am – 12 pm. This truly is one of our signature efforts at Arlington AAUW. I think it is exciting and very rewarding to talk to these young women. I do hope you’ve been able to join our April Monthly meeting via Zoom when we hear our awardees describe their winning projects and to hear various women speakers in a variety of science fields. I do ask you to consider volunteering for this very special AAUW project.

Contact: Susan Senn, AAUW STEM Coordinator

A Plea From A Member

My name is Susan Senn. I have been a member of Arlington AAUW for 14 years. I have attended every monthly meeting that I have been able to. I have served in various jobs along the way. And I believe passionately in the philosophy of supporting women in as many ways as we can, now more than ever. Along the way, we have had some very excellent meetings, especially during these past four years – programs on so many topics of great importance. Our most recent meeting, the one on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, presented by the sponsor and four student members from Arlington Tech, of the DEI ongoing discussion group.

They were led by Monica, the sponsor, the awardee of our 2013 Educator of the year, and a  very impressive student leader who has already amassed a bevy of  awards. They taught us how they conduct their own regular meetings by sitting in small (4) groups and sharing: 1. Something someone would not know about you by looking at you. (One of our young men shared that he was from a large family with six siblings. The other shared that he gets very anxious in crowds). Then, in response to a 2nd question, asking if we or they had experienced any microaggressions or acts of racism in the past week, the two young men told of going into Walgreen’s near school on the way to take a bus to Metro to the Zoo, one shared that he had bought an RC Cola and some Oreos and then was accused of stealing them as they walked out to catch the bus. Police were called even though he showed the receipt. Missed the bus. Pretty powerful. Just one of many great programs. It just hurts my heart to see so few of you joining us. I miss you all. I implore you (like Peter Rabbit) to make a conscious effort to join us at these really great programs.

Susan Senn

Note from the Editor – February – March 2025 Newsletter

Any articles for publication should be emailed to with the SUBJECT line: Newsletter by  January 15, 2024


Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.