Category Archives: News

August-September 2023 Newsletter

Newsletter mast head

Volume 80, Issue 1

August President’s Message


Dear Arlington AAUW members,

I know that everyone will be welcoming cooler temperatures this fall after the hot summer we have had!

In mid-June your board members met to plan our programs for 2023-2024 after receiving many interesting ideas from our branch members. We send our thanks to everyone for sharing such great ideas. Our Co-Vice-President for Programs, Barbara Smith and Barbara Gallagher have worked up a preliminary calendar for our programs, and are busy arranging for speakers. Topics include AI, Genealogy, Arlington History, and an author talk. I know that you will find these programs both informative and interesting. We have also had several suggestions for field trips to museums like Planet Word and attending a theater matinee at a local community theater like The Cauldron in Falls Church. Get in touch with them if you’d like to help organize any of our events.  Their phone numbers and email are in our member directory.

Our book discussion group, Let’s Talk about Books kicks off the year with the best seller, Lessons in Chemistry. More information about this book and the other book selections we will be reading can be found later on in this newsletter.  And for those of you looking for another volunteer activity, think about joining our Lunch Bunch volunteers as they meet monthly to mentor our student group at Arlington Community High School.

With the pandemic waning, more of us are getting to travel more. When you read this newsletter, I will be flying to Reykjavik in mid-August to take a cruise around Iceland and then on to Greenland and Nova Scotia before returning to New York City in early September.  If you would like to get together with other AAUW branch members during the next few months to talk about our travels and share travel tips, call or email me and we can arrange to meet for coffee. We could also share ideas about places to visit in the area. My phone number and personal e-mail are also in the membership directory that you can access via our branch website.

Enjoy the remaining days of summer. I can’t wait to see everyone at our first branch meeting of the year on September 18 at Lubber Run Community Center. We have a great year ahead!


Terry Bratt, Arlington Branch President

Join us September 18th for our first Program Meeting

Jennifer Swann is the Director of Information Security at Bloomberg Industry Group.  She will discuss AI and ChatGBT and how they can be used for both good and nefarious purposes.  She will also provide examples of how she uses AI and ChatGBT and suggest some ways we can use them in our personal lives.

Jennifer Swann brings over 11 years of experience in Information Security, specializing in Incident Response. A graduate of Morgan State University, she further enriched her leadership skills with a professional certification from Yale University. Her technical skills have earned recognition at MIT hackathons. Currently, Jennifer is diving into the world of AI and Machine Learning, coupling this exploration with her passion for cybersecurity and emerging technologies.”

Information on upcoming programs:

In October, our speaker will be Katherine Spivey of the General Services Administration. Since 2013 she has served as co-chair of the Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN), one of’s communities of practice. Plain Language is an international effort and is used by the governments of many countries and by leading businesses and organizations.

In November, we will have a book talk with Kathy Kleiman, author of “Proving Ground: The Untold Story of the Six Women Who Programmed the World’s First Modern Computer.

Barbara Gallagher and Barbara Smith, Co VPs Program

Mark Your Calendars for 2023-24!

CalendarUsing feedback from members, board members took a slightly different approach to our calendar planning this year.  Dates selected for our branch meeting and Let’s Talk about Books discussions now avoid weeks with holidays.

Branch meetings on Monday evenings are September 18, October 16, April 15, and May 20.

Branch meetings on Saturday mornings are November 18, January 20, February 24, and March 16.

Our holiday luncheon will take place on Saturday, December 2.

Let’s Talk about Books meet on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm on September 26, October 24, December 12, January 23, February 27, March 19, April 16, May 21, and June 25

Let’s Talk About Books

The September meeting for Let’s Talk About Books is Tuesday, September 26, 2 pm at your regular Zoom location, unless someone would like to host it.  If you would like to host, please let me know and I’ll get word out to all members.  Our book selection is Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Terry Bratt will send an invitation with the Zoom information. So, watch your email and come join the fun!

Our October meeting will be Tuesday, October 24 , 2 pm at the home of Terry Bratt.  Our book selection is The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams.

See our book list for the coming year and the meeting dates. All meetings except October and July 2024 have hosting opportunities.

Happy reading!

Barbara Gallagher, Let’s Talk About Books Chair

Now more than ever AAUW Membership matters

Events and news items reflect our ever changing environment. AAUW is the voice of women who are engaged. We are aware of the ramifications of changes in leadership, law, and the symbiotic connections of the landscape.

We come together to support one another to amplify our voices. 2023-2024 will be filled with action, learning, and growth. Please take time to renew your membership today.

AAUW-Arlington Branch is continuing our outreach to new potential members. Please let us know if you would like to promote membership and need some support. Or you may want to sponsor a new AAUW member for the year?

Let us know if you have questions.

Candace Lilyquist, VP Membership

Important Dates for the November 7, 2023, Election

      • Register to vote by October 16
      • Check and update registration information by October 16
      • Apply to vote absentee by mail by October 27
      • September 22 – Early in-person voting begins
      • October 16, 5 pm  – Deadline to register/update registration (in person or receipt by mail) to vote by regular ballot. Voters may register at local registrar’s office through November 7 to vote with a provisional ballot.
      • October 16, 11:59pm -Deadline to register to vote or update registration (online)
      • October 27, 5pm – Deadline to apply to vote absentee by mail
      • November 4, 2pm – Deadline to request emergency absentee ballot
      • November 4, 5pm – Deadline to request replacement absentee ballot or vote early in- person at your local registrar
      • November 7 – Deadline for postmark on absentee ballot submitted by mail
      • November 7 – 6am – 7pmElection Day Voting at assigned polling places. Non-registered voters may register and submit a provisional ballot.
      • November 7, 7 pm – Deadline for receipt of absentee ballot delivered in person
      • November 10, 12pm – Deadline for receipt of absentee ballot mailed to registrar
      • November 13, 2pm – Deadline for provisional No ID voter to provide acceptable photo ID via fax, email, mail, or in person to local registrar.

AAUW-VA Public Policy Update July 2023

Public Policy

The AAUW-VA Public Policy group met in July to discuss a number of issues.  The summary of the meeting is the following items:

  • Alex Blocker, leader of the Virginia Fund Our Schools (FOS) coalition, which AAUW-VA recently joined, provided an overview of the coalition’s work to achieve “full and fair funding” of Virginia’s K-12 public schools. Alex also described the work of FOS’s subcommittees and invited AAUW members to become involved with those committees. (See his presentation here.) Members interested in volunteering for the committees can get more information by emailing Alex at His presentation is attached. Alex and other members of FOS are also available for speaking engagements upon request.
  • We are asking our members to assist us in researching candidates for the Virginia General Assembly to prepare voter guides for distribution to our members and communities. Detailed instructions and suggested references are available (see attached template). We plan to have the guides available in September. Members who can volunteer to research one or more sets of candidates are asked to send an email to
  • We have already distributed 4,000 postcards for the Reclaim Our Vote postcard writing campaign, but more are available upon request. AAUW-VA will reimburse branches for postage. Postcards must be mailed between September 8 and October 25, so there’s plenty of time to get the cards written. Full instructions were sent out on June 30 and will be reissued. Send your requests for postcards to
  • Please save the dates that we have set for Public Policy Zoom meetings and advocacy efforts. Use Equal Pay Dates to plan your Branch’s advocacy efforts and programs.  Members are encouraged to attend Senator Warner’s Virginia Women’s Conference in Norfolk on September 30. AAUW-VA will have a table there and is looking for volunteers to staff the table throughout the day. If you can assist, please contact VP for Membership, Laura Greenfield at All of these dates are shown in the attachment.
  • Getting out the vote and being informed about candidates’ stand on our issues is critical in the upcoming Virginia elections. Redistricting and incumbent retirements along with the entire General Assembly being up for reelection makes this an especially important time to inform ourselves and others of the importance of voting. Use the attached voting calendar to inform yourself and others.

Send your questions and comments to: Janine Greenwood & Denise M. Murden, Co-VPs for Public Policy AAUW of Virginia

Become a Two-Minute Activist:

See the Pubic Policy page for important dates and other information

Scholarship Winner Graduates

Here is a photo of our Lunch Bunch scholarship winner from the August 3 Gazette Leader. Photo was taken by Deb Kolt.

AAUW Calendar

Our AAUW Calendar has moved to google which means you can check it online from the website or subscribe and see it directly on your phone or laptop! Additional information

about the events is available by clicking the item.  Contact Joy at if you have any questions.

Arlington AAUW Executive Committee 2023-24

Term begins July 1, 2023

  • Presidents: Terry Bratt (2023-2025)
  • Co-First VP for Programs: Barbara Smith and Barbara Gallagher (2023-2025)
  • Second VPs for Membership:  Candace L. Lilyquist (2022-2024)
  • Third VP for Communications: Joy Gatewood (2023-2025)
  • Secretary: Denise M. Hassanein (2022-2024)
  • Treasurer: Mary Spatz (2022-2024)
  • Public Policy: Sara Anderson

Note from the Editor – October/November 2023 Newsletter

Any articles for publication should be emailed to with the SUBJECT line: Newsletter by September 15, 2023


Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.

May/June 2023 Newsletter

Newsletter mast head

Volume 79, Issue 5

May/June President’s Message


Dear Arlington AAUW members,

Our annual STEM Awards Zoom Event on Monday, April 17th was a fantastic evening. Not only did we get to hear from HB Woodlawn graduate Kate Spencer, owner of Fast Raft Ocean Safaris in Monterey, CA but we also got to meet the APS girls who were our 2023 Science Fair awardees.  The science fair projects covered a wide variety of interests from aquaponic farming to heart rate research to electric volt generation to turning vegetable waste into paper to name just a few. After the students presented their projects and took questions from each other and members, Kate spoke about her path to becoming a whale watching captain and naturalist that included a stint as an intern at the Smithsonian. It was truly an inspiring evening for all who attended. Many thanks to Susan Senn who moderated the presentations in addition to being a Science Fair judge along with members Sara Anderson and Barbara Smith.

At our annual meeting in March we elected our new officers for the years 2023-25. Terry Bratt will continue as president, Barbara Smith and Barbara Gallagher were elected Co-Vice Presidents for Programs, and Joy Gatewood was elected 3rd Vice-President for Communications.  We appreciate the work of the following officers: Karen Darner for serving as Co-President for the past two years, Meg Tuccillo for serving as Vice-President for Programs the past four years, and  Teri Doxsee for serving as Vice-President for Communications for the past four years. Kudos to them and to all the Board members for a job well done!

Coming up on May 15 we will have our annual Scholarship and Educator Awards reception that will take place at the Women’s Club of  Arlington at 7:00 pm. On June 6 we will have our last meeting of the year at Marrymount at Ballston – more information on the program is below. Also in early June your Board members will be meeting to plan the program and calendar for 2023-24 and would welcome your program ideas. E-mail us with your ideas before June 8!   It is now also time for us to pay our annual dues.  Everyone will receive an email from AAUW Katrina Sue Breese with information on how to remit your dues payment on line.  Sending your dues payment to our Treasurer, Mary Spatz is still an option. Both Mary and Membership VP Candace Lilyquist have worked very hard with National to make the new website work more smoothly for us this year. We are very appreciative of their efforts to get our records straightened out. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful spring!  The rainy weather we have had of late should mean a beautiful May full of colorful flowers.


Terry Bratt and Karen Darner, Co-Presidents

Membership Meetings

We had a WONDERFUL, AWESOME, INSPIRING zoom meeting with the 2023 Science Fair girls on April 17 with nine incredible young women winners sharing their science fair projects and giving impressive descriptions of each project. We were also thrilled to welcome and hear from Kate Spenser, an HB graduate and current captain, owner and chief naturalist for Fast Raft Ocean Safaris in Monterey Bay.   If you missed it, you missed a great chance to hear from these girls who give hope for our future!!!!!!!

Join us May 15th 7 PM at The Woman’s Club for our Annual Awards Meeting

Fortunately, you have another chance to hear from young these women who will be shaping our world’s future!! Our annual awards event is coming on Monday, May 15th, IN-PERSON, at The Woman’s Club of Arlington, 700 S. Buchanan St, Arlington, 22204, at 7 pm.

We will honor our STEM scholarship winner, Anna Mohanty, along with two middle school Science Fair Award winners, Kira Komlodi and Zeynep Seyran.  We will also recognize our AAUW Arts Scholarship winners, Theresa Provasnik and Sabrina Chaudhri, from Yorktown and our Lunch Bunch awardee, Romaine Terceros from Arlington community High School.  In addition, we will be awarding the AAUW Educator of the Year Award to Dr. Bradley Rankin, a math teacher at Arlington Tech.  It is always inspiring to hear from our awardees and we hope you join us to share in the joy!!!!!  We have missed seeing many of you in person and this would be a great opportunity to celebrate our winners AND celebrate the work AAUW does by coming together and cheering loudly!!!!!

Planning for Future Meetings

On another note, as we begin planning for the 2023-24 year, we would be happy to get any suggestions you may have for great programs that would interest our members, align with our mission and help us all to grow and learn!!  We will be sending out a questionnaire mid-May to gather ideas so start thinking now!!!!!

Framing Your Financial Future

Free Hybrid Event – Tuesday, June 6th at 7 – 8:30 pm

We are pleased to co-sponsor this useful event for women looking to make the most of their financial resources with the Arlington Commission on the Status of Women, Arlington Chapter of The Links, Inc., and Marymount University Center for Optimal Aging.

This panel discussion aims to provide information on how to plan for your future and arrange your finances. The goal is to empower women to save more for today and retirement tomorrow, and be more mindful of financial pitfalls.

Click here to Register.  Registration closes 5 pm June 5th.  Marymount Ballston Campus, 1000 North Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA. Zoom link will be sent after completing registration.

See the Event Flyer here.

Meg Tuccillo, VP Programs

Let’s Talk About Books

The May meeting for Let’s Talk About Books is Tuesday, May 23. Our book selection is The Code Breaker by Walter Issacson.

Our June meeting is Tuesday, June 27, 2 pm.  Our book selection is An Immense World by Ed Young.

Both meetings are at your regular Zoom location. Shortly before each meeting Terry Bratt will send an invitation with the Zoom information. So, watch your email and come join the fun!  Look forward to seeing you then.

Go to the Let’s Talk About Books page to see all the books we are reading for the 2022-23 year.  Here are links to the Master Book List so you can see what we have already read.   List by titleList by author Let me know if you  have any problems with the files. 

Barbara Gallagher, Let’s Talk About Books Chair

Future focus for AAUW – Arlington-Branch

June is the month to renew your membership AAUW Arlington (VA) Branch. It is important to scroll down to the middle of the membership landing page. Click on this link to join as a Branch Member.  Please reach out to Candace Lilyquist if you would like support joining online. 

Be involved – AAUW Arlington (VA) Branch is forming a membership committee to actively pursue new members for this group and to build a supportive network for current members. Does this sound like something for you? Contact President, Terry Bratt or Vice President for Membership Candace Lilyquist.

PostcardsYou may have received a postcard from the National AAUW. It is a legitimate* request for any edits to your contact information. However, it comes with a request for a story about the successes you have had through AAUW involvement and is followed up by a sales pitch about purchasing the book that contains all these stories. You can correct contact information and tell your story without buying the book. Buying the book is not required.

*Friends stay vigilant about scammers. They are out there and it was reasonable to think that this postcard was a scam. AAUW National regrets that it did not inform local leadership before it sent the postcards. This was a timing error with the company compiling the books.

Candace L. Lilyquist, VP Membership

Annual STEM Meeting – Science Fair Awardees’ Presentations

Do you know what a Trebuchet is? What food waste can you make paper from? How has climate change affected the honeybee population? How does axon diameter affect heart rate variability? What do you know about the transdermal permeability of anti-inflammatory compounds? Can you more successfully grow lettuce in a vertical aquaponic design? Well, had you attended the monthly AAUW Zoom meeting on April 17, you would know the answer to all these questions. We had an exciting and stimulating set of presentations from nine young women, the first and second place awardees from the Northern Virginia Regional Science Fair that was held on Saturday, May 4, at Wakefield High School. Barbara Smith, Sara Anderson and I, having read through over 100  different abstracts prior to that day, diligently interviewed approximately 40 young women at the fair, and decided on one first place and 3 second place award winners at both the high school and middle school levels. In addition, nine young women were awarded Honorable Mentions. Anna Mohanty, our first place high school winner, will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship for her project, “The Effect of Axon Diameter on Heart Rate Variability”. And our team, Kira Komlodi and Zeynep Seyran, will each be given $100 for their project, “The Effect of Global Warming on the Percent Loss of Honeybee Colonies”. 

Our guest speaker for the evening was Kate Spencer, an H-B Woodlawn graduate and Susan’s former student. Kate owns and operated Fast Raft Tours, whale-watching expeditions out of Moss Point, Monterey Bay, CA. She is a woman of many talents, having initially made her artistry her primary career. She was trained and worked closely with artists from the Smithsonian Institution early on. She has sailed on many commercial ocean-going ships to both Alaska and the South Pacific off the coast of South America as the primary naturalist onboard. But her studies of whales and other ocean mammals led her to buy the Fast Raft Tours business where she operates an ocean-going 10-seat Zodiac, along with her partner, every day the weather is agreeable. Her photos of all the whales she tracks every day for the last 15 years were a delight to see. As an aside, I encourage all of you just to go out to Monterey Bay and make one of her expeditions a must-see, must-do. 

It was an exciting and interesting meeting. I look forward to this event, same time next year. I hope all of you will plan to attend and be filled with awe at the intelligence and effort of all these young women.

Susan Senn, STEM Coordinator

Lunch Bunch

We have had some fun and interesting Lunch Bunch meeting with our young women at Arlington Community High School this spring. 

In March, we heard from Gladis Bourdouane, Assistant Director of Communications with Alexandria Public Schools who immigrated from Central America as a young girl and attended Arlington Public Schools.  The girls engaged in discussion with Gladis about her life, her challenges and the opportunities she took advantage of to reach her goals of becoming a professional in a challenging field. 

In April, the girls  also heard from the interim principal at the Arlington Community High School, Lara MacDonald, about her journey in her professional career. 

Our Lunch Bunch Scholarship winner is Romaine Terceros. She is a strong student, an energetic force, and leader in Arlington Community High School. She came to Arlington from Bolivia, arriving on her own and living with extended family, while supporting herself. She is a senior and is planning on attending college when she graduates this June. She wants to study to be an architect, engineer, or automotive technician and is starting to explore these fields, including taking Career Center classes. She is currently a barista at Starbucks and is hoping for a promotion by the end of the calendar year to a management position. She is an enthusiastic student in all her classes and is a role model for her positive attitude and diligence. She is interested in many areas including photography, cosmetology, and fashion design. She has big dreams and will no doubt forge a path to reach them. She believes that “Your age or where you come from doesn’t stop you from becoming what you want to be.” And she ‘warns’: “Don’t close your eyes everyone, I’m going to be someone big!” Romaine will be attending our May 15th awards event  – please join us to celebrate her accomplishments!

Meg Tuccillo, Lunch Bunch

AAUW Calendar

Our AAUW Calendar has moved to google which means you can check it online from the website or subscribe and see it directly on your phone or laptop! Additional information about the events is available by clicking the item.  Contact Teri at if you have any questions.

Arlington AAUW Executive Committee 2022-23

Term began July 1, 2022

  • Co-Presidents: Terry Bratt (2021-2023) and Karen Darner (2021-2023)
  • First VP for Programs: Meg Tuccillo (2021-2023)
  • Second VPs for Membership:  Candace L. Lilyquist (2022-2024)
  • Third VP for Communications: Teri Doxsee (2021-2023)
  • Secretary: Denise M. Hassanein (2022-2024)
  • Treasurer: Mary Spatz (2022-2024)
  • Public Policy: Sara Anderson

Arlington AAUW Executive Committee 2023-24

Term begins July 1, 2023

  • Presidents: Terry Bratt (2021-2023) and Karen Darner (2023-2025)
  • Co-First VP for Programs: Barbara Smith and Barbara Gallagher (2023-2025)
  • Second VPs for Membership:  Candace L. Lilyquist (2022-2024)
  • Third VP for Communications: Joy Gatewood (2023-2025)
  • Secretary: Denise M. Hassanein (2022-2024)
  • Treasurer: Mary Spatz (2022-2024)
  • Public Policy: Sara Anderson

Note from the Editor – July/August 2023 Newsletter

Any articles for publication should be emailed to Joy Gatewood at with the SUBJECT line: Newsletter by June 15, 2023


Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.

What does the Arlington Branch do?

Arlington Branch Report to AAUW Virginia 2020 Conference

We engage the community in multiple activities in pursuit of AAUW’s strategic objectives.  

  • Our largest community engagement is conducting 6-8 public meetings each year on topics supportive of AAUW’s strategic objectives:  education, economic security, and leadership.  This educates us, potential members, and the community at large about issues which affect equity for women and girls, especially in Arlington.  
  • At our most active outreach program, called “Lunch Bunch,” volunteers provide lunch and a monthly program to motivate, encourage, and support young women aged 18-30 from diverse cultural backgrounds, all working to attain a high school diploma at Arlington Community High School. Programs, developed cooperatively with school administrators, relate to current issues.  For example, the 2018-19 theme, “Finding My Voice,” addressed strategies to build self-confidence, empowerment and healthy relationships.  
  • AAUW Arlington volunteers participate in the THIS/AAUW International Coffee Group, which meets with staff or dependents from embassies to the U.S. to welcome them and introduce them to U.S. culture.  
  • We raise funds for, and select and award three $1000 scholarships annually for high school seniors headed to college—two for excellence in the arts using our Elizabeth Campbell Fund, and one for a Lunch Bunch participant.  We also provide a grant to the school where our selected Educator of the Year works to expand his/her work. In addition, this year branch members will serve as judges at the 2020 Regional Science Fair, and we will give awards to the best three middle school and best three high school projects by girls at our STEM-themed April meeting.  

We also have two activities which focus on development of our members and our branch.  

  • Our Book Group members meet monthly to discuss books selected once a year, often relating to current AAUW issues.  An excellent example is The Color of Law, discussed in February 2020, which documents how government action has caused and reinforced racial segregation in housing.  
  • As a means to improve the focus of our public meetings on education, economic security, and leadership, the outgoing and incoming Boards of Directors meet to identify and prioritize topics related to these AAUW strategic objectives for the next year’s public meetings, which the Co-VPs for Program use to guide their work. This practice, begun in 2018, represents an improvement in the fourth AAUW strategic objective, which is management.  

Current information about our activities may be found at:  

February 2020 Lunch Bunch

Ms. Carmen Hackett, shown with Patricia Sanguinetti from Arlington Community High School, Meg Tuccillo, Maryann Ullrich, and Susan Senn of AAUW.

Ms. Carmen Hackett, shown with Patricia Sanguinetti from Arlington Community High School, Meg Tuccillo, Maryann Ullrich, and Susan Senn of AAUW.

On Thursday, February 20, our guest speaker was Ms. Carmen Hackett. She is a 53 year – old firefighter/paramedic with DC Fire and EMS and was featured this past summer on the local ABC and NBC news for her career accomplishments. She is a single mother with a 14 year- old son. Her rise to fame began with an AA degree in Culinary Arts. At the age of 20, she moved to DC and worked for GSA. Wanting more excitement in her life, she earned her Emergency Medical Technician Certification and began work with DC Fire and EMS. After 10+ years, once again she challenged herself and earned an Intermediate Paramedic Certification. That effort required 3 separate 6-month long training courses, 11 attempts to pass the qualifying exams, and 5 years total effort. Then, not content yet, she earned her full Firefighter designation in the Spring of 2019.  Throughout her career, she has continued to challenge herself and has risen to the status of her current job.  Along with her job, she enjoys hand dancing, painting and movies. She has 3 other jobs in addition to her Firefighter/Paramedic duties. Her presentation was quite humorous  and really impressed upon the girls the notion of “Never give up!” She is the perfect example of “Make It Possible”.

The Lunch Bunch young women, after a pizza, salad, cookies, fruit, and Valentine’s candy lunch, listened intently to her story. They asked several questions after about what it took to keep her going forward. They enjoyed her presentation very much.