Lunch Bunch 2023-24

We have been meeting with a great group of young women monthly at the new site of the Arlington
Community High School on Fairfax Drive in Ballston since September. These young women each have their own journey that led them to this alternative high school program. We continue to acknowledge and celebrate the fact that they take the time each month to hear from various role models and to consider their own next steps in creating their future selves.

Our Lunch Bunch program has a strong focus on self-care, mental health and overall well-being.   This month’s speaker will be a part two for Ms. Jennifer Gross of APS.
Earlier this school year, she shared her very own compelling journey as an EL learner dealing w/ cross cultural issues. As coordinator for Social Emotional Learning for APS, Ms. Gross will focus on “Calming Strategies for Stressful Times” and The Healthy Mind Platter for self care.

Our students found our December speaker, chef Daniela Hurtado of Kitchen of Purpose, highly relatable. Amongst sharing stories of her personal journey as an EL student, she spoke about opportunities for bilingual culinary training and courses on how to launch a small food business.

The 15 -20 young women each month are focused, eager and forward-looking!  Come join us on the third Thursday of the month to meet some of our wonderful lunch bunchers!

Mary Beth Pelosky and Meg Tucillo,, Lunch Bunch