Volume 79, Issue 2
November/December President’s Message
Greetings Arlington AAUW Members!
First of all, early voting began in Virginia on Friday, September 23, and Karen has voted already. Please remember this is one of our true responsibilities. Many women and men fought long and hard for women to assume this responsibility over 100 years ago — please don’t forget to vote by November 8, 2022. Then make sure you wear your “I voted!” sticker everywhere — wear it with pride!
Thank you so much to those of you who wrote post cards to Virginia voters who may have to check with their registrar to ensure they have not lost their voter registration slot. They’re checking now so there will be no question about their registration at all. Please encourage others to register and/or vote right up through election day – November 8!
Our State President of AAUW, Lane Stone is from Alexandria and we have already extended her an invitation to join Arlington’s members in the near future. Needless to say, there are many opportunities for her to be a part of one of our programs in the near future. We are looking forward to seeing her look of pride when she does join us. Stay tuned.
The National office of AAUW has begun a new process of paying our dues to National, State, and local. Our membership year goes from July 1 – June 30, but because of difficulties changing to the new Community Hub, there’s a grace period that has been established that ends November 30 this year. Let Terry Bratt or Karen Darner know if you have questions.
Lobby Day will be held in Richmond on January 19 for AAUW members to contact their legislators during the 2023 General Assembly. Plan on joining other women and men in Richmond that day. AAUW is also planning on a reception in Richmond for women in the legislature that will be held the night before Lobby Day, January 18. I’m sure we will get more information to prepare us for this visit and an opportunity to meet with our legislators. (virginiageneralassembly.gov)
We are very fortunate this year to have our members Meg Tuccillo and Krysta Jones serving as the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Co-Vice Presidents on the State Board. Here’s a good introduction to the definition of each component: Diversity is having a seat at the table,; Inclusion is having a voice, and Belonging is having that voice heard. It is our
responsibility to work together so we incorporate the ideals of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging throughout our programs and policies. Each branch is expected to work on this throughout the year.
Do you have ideas for celebrating women and girls on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2023? Karen was in the Peace Corps in Jamaica in 1989, and that country had a wonderful conference set up in Kingston for a thousand women to participate. It was fantastic! And we learned about this incredible day to be grateful to so many women who have been great role models for us and other womee throughout the country. It’s time to think about some activities for us to share with our Arlington neighbors.
Finally, the State Conference for AAUW in Virginia will be in Williamsburg next year on March 18, 2023. Start planning to join some of your Arlington members in Williamsburg where other women will be presenting ideas and programs from their local branches. More details to follow…
“Back to the beginning – please don’t forget to cast your vote for the people and policies on the ballots in various locations of Northern Virginia. It is so important! In honor and memory of our suffragettes long ago.
Karen Darner and Terry Bratt, Co-Presidents
Join us November 19th to Tour the Women’s Military Memorial
(NOTE TIME CHANGE!! 1 pm) – Tour of the Women’s Military Memorial, guided by Sandy Lawrence, past president of Virginia State AAUW and Retired Navy Commander.
Come join us for this unique opportunity to learn about the history (herstory!) of women in our country’s military. The Women’s Military Memorial is located at Memorial Ave and Schley Dr, Arlington 22203 with parking available at the Arlington National Cemetery visitor lot located on Military Ave.(picture ID such as driver’s license required)
Celebrate with us at the Annual Holiday Luncheon December 3!
We are excited to announce updated plans for our December 3th Holiday Luncheon!!!! You guessed it – we will be celebrating at the lovely restaurant, Cote D’Or, 6876 Langston Boulevard (formerly Lee Highway), Arlington 22213!!!
We have secured a separate dining room at the restaurant for us and will have a three course meal provided at a cost of $26 per person. In addition to salad and dessert, you will have your choice of sautéed tilapia, grilled chicken panini or spinach, mushroom and cheese frittata. After lunch, we can stroll across the street to the One More Page Bookstore to browse and perhaps make some holiday purchases!!!!
Please plan to join us at noon on Saturday, December 3rd at Cote D’Or!!! A separate message will be sent out closer to the date with more specific details – so stay tuned!!!
Meg Tuccillo, VP Programs
Let’s Talk About Books
The November meeting for Let’s Talk About Books is Tuesday, November 22, 2 pm at your regular Zoom location. Our book selection is The
Sentence by Louis Erdrich.
Our December meeting will be Tuesday, December 27, 2 pm. Our book selection is The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher.
Shortly before each meeting Terry Bratt will send an invitation with the Zoom information. So, watch your email and come join the fun! Look forward to seeing you then.
Go to the Let’s Talk About Books page to see all the books we are reading for the 2022-23 year. Here are links to the Master Book List so you can see what we have already read. List by title – List by author Let me know if you have any problems with the files.
Barbara Gallagher, Chair

Lunch Bunch
The day of the meetings has changed to Thursdays. Please contact Mary Beth Pelosky or Susan Senn if you would like to join us once, twice, or every third Thursday of the month! We provide sliced chicken, a big salad, cookies and a fruit at each meeting. Our theme for this year is “The Immigrant’s Story”.
Susan Senn, Mary Beth Pelosky, Lunch Bunch
Thank you Vivian Kallen!
Vivian lead an interesting discussion about her family’s immigration from Greece in the early 1900s and her mom’s connections with Jane Adams and Hull House in Chicago.
THIS/AAUW International Coffee Conversation Group:
The November meeting of the THIS/AAUW International Coffee group will be a real Thanksgiving dinner held on Nov. 9 at 11 am at the home of Lila Gurary in McLean.
The December meeting will take place at the home of Karen Russo also in McLean.
Members of the AAUW Arlington Branch are welcome to join the group. For more information please contact Priscilla Becker. (See Branch Directory for her phone and email.)
Priscilla Becker, lead
Bylaws Changes?
It’s that time of year again! If you have recommendations for changes in the bylaws of the Arlington branch, please send them to me NLT Wednesday, December 28th. Current bylaws are on our website at: https://arlington-va.aauw.net/files/2021/04/Bylaws-Arlington-Branch-rev-May-2020.pdf. (They are also posted on the AAUW Virginia and AAUW national websites.)
This will allow me to review and compile your suggestions for discussion at the January 4th Board of Directors meeting.
Based on that discussion, any changes to the bylaws to be considered during the March 2023 Annual meeting of the branch will be transmitted to branch members not later than 20 days in advance of that meeting.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Carol Dabbs, Bylaws Chair
AAUW VA Response concerning Transgender Students
AAUW has written a response to the Proposed Model Policies released by the Virginia Department of Education last month concerning transgender students. It was submitted to the Department of Education portal. You can read the response here.
AAUW Calendar
Our AAUW Calendar has moved to google which means you can check it online from the website or subscribe and see it directly on your phone or laptop! Additional information about the events is available by clicking the item. Contact Teri at newsarlvaaauw@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Arlington AAUW Executive Committee 2022-23
Term began July 1, 2022
- Co-Presidents: Terry Bratt (2021-2023) and Karen Darner (2021-2023) presarlvaaauw@gmail.com
- First VP for Programs: Meg Tuccillo (2021-2023)
- Second VPs for Membership: Candace L. Lilyquist (2022-2024)
- Third VP for Communications: Teri Doxsee (2021-2023) newsarlvaaauw@gmail.com
- Secretary: Denise M. Hassanein (2022-2024)
- Treasurer: Mary Spatz (2022-2024)
- Public Policy: Sara Anderson
Note from the Editor – January/February 2023 Newsletter
Any articles for publication should be emailed to Teri Doxsee at newsarlvaaauw@gmail.com with the SUBJECT line: Newsletter by December 27, 2022
Advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.